Monday, September 24, 2007

What Is Wrong With Some Teachers?

There is one person on my People I Sincerely Hope Are No Longer Among the Living (Or Missing All of His Comfy T-Shirts and Is Always Buring His Toast to a Blackened Mess Because Wishing Death Upon People Isn't Nice, No Matter How Much He Deserves It) List.

And that person is a teacher. My sophomore high school English teacher, to be exact. I won't go into details here, but to give you some perspective on why I wish an ill fate upon him: He woud drop pencils in front of blonde, big breasted high school sophomores and demand they pick them up. Because I am neither blonde nor big breasted, he made shit up about disciplinary "problems" I had, constantly getting me in trouble for things I did not do. It was always his words against mine, so I was up shit's creek.

Which brings me to my point: Perverts, miserable people, just plain assholes, these people that fall under this category don't see themselves as such. Why a lot of them are educators is beyond me.

Today, Drexel Hill Middle School Students swam at the pool. And this teacher marches up to my co-worker and barks, "Who are you?!"
Flabbergasted, my co-worker stammers her name.
"Didn't I have you as a student?!!!"
She nods quickly, backing up slowly.

Is that a normal, decent way to approach someone? It doesn't matter that this woman taught my co-worker in sixth grade, nor does it matter that my co-worker is in high school. She is a person, and the best way to approach a situation like the above, "How are you? How is school? You were one of my students, right? I'm sorry, but I can't remember your name." Am I right?

Do these people realize the impact they have on these children's lives? Not only was that woman rude to my co-worker, she purposely intimidated, berated, and belittled her students.

I said before, these people don't think, "I'm a rude. I'm mean, so I shouldn't traumatize a child's life."

But isn't it the job of the principal or whoever does the hiring to see these people for what they are and say, "I'm sorry, but you're not qualified for the job"? How can anyone in their right minds see some people as fit to be teachers? Especially for young children, even high school students, because often they lack the confidence and maturity to defend themselves properly.

There's more to being a teacher than educating (which I found a lot of them did that poorly, too.)

1 comment:

Ahwatukee Karen said...


I could not agree more. Sometimes I wonder how anyone can teach and be so stupid. Teachers are people and do dumb things including being mean, rude etc. Unfortunately, it does not end at teachers. Bosses can be just as rude, mean and hurtful and end up messing up your promotions and salary increases. Then their behavior affects your whole family. Oh well, enough said.

Aunt Karen