Friday, September 7, 2007

The Less Cool Version of England is Boring

I wonder if there's something wrong with me.

Really. I only have about two pages to read. It's after 1 a.m. and here I am blogging. Like, the time it took for me to see how everything is going, I could have read all about William Penn, and his good relations with the Native Americans, and since Penn's Woods was a peaceful spot, all the colonists came partying over this way.

Sigh. That's probably the reason. I know history is important. I know that it's important to know where we came from and all that, but really, I just want to look smart at cocktail parties if the subject of WWI or the Great Depression ever pops up. Or if my potential boyfriend's parents are all about history, I could wow them with my knowlegdge.

But do I really care about the time when the United States of America was a less cool version of England?


Really, no, not at all. This was the time of funny hats and stockings. Maybe there are accents, but everyone is just running around, worrying about going to hell. That's not fun.

But you know what is fun (besides blogging when you're supposed to be studying? Oh History TA whom I haven't met yet: if I do poorly in class tomorrow, well, this is why)? This: A whole bunch of bands from my early teenaged years are playing shows in/or around Philly. Not only is there Type O Negative (and yes, Peter Steele is still dark, mysterious, and good looking), but there's Static X (industrial disco with tall hair!), and Down! Now, Down deserves an exclamation point because I loved Phil Anselmo when I was younger. Pantera was great, but there was something about Down that I just really loved. And now they're back, and they fucking rock.

Still waiting on news for the Spice Girls, though.


Unknown said...

Who is inviting you to cocktail parties? And are we thinking potential bf already, or is this a purely hypothetical bf?

Kris Fossett said...

No one. It's all hypothetical.