Sunday, September 16, 2007

Readers of my blog, please help me keep away from Duellists, a UK fencing equipment company. Not that it's anything bad, I'm sure their products are great, but since it's UK, I would have to pay in pounds. And paying in pounds is no good from the USA. I have a perfectly fine pro shop at my club. Just because my hero owns Duellists does not mean I have to pay crazy prices due to exchange rates and have to wait for my stuff to be shipped here.

I must stay away.

And get back to work.


Mad Pierrot said...

UK? Fencing? I WANT! Things from the UK are always so much better than things here! But yeah. Shipping and paying in pounds suck. Stay away! Stay away...

Kris Fossett said...

I know, I know. Everything looked so beautiful, too. They have gold jackets!!!!

Ahwatukee Karen said...


Be strong. When you become rich as a writer (I'm sure your first book will be a trashy one)then you can buy from UK :)

Love Aunt Karen