Sunday, September 9, 2007

Oh, Vampire Weekend, Why Art Thou Indie Power Pop?

So, Vampire Weekend is not, sadly, the greatest band in the world (don't worry, I haven't denounced Iron Maiden. They're the Greatest Band in the Universe, remember?).

I mean, they're good. Freaking great, actually. But not what I was expecting.

With a name like Vampire Weekend, I was expecting something like metal that awesome to dance to. Not straight up indie power pop. Do we really need more indie power pop? That's what 1990s, the New Pornagraphers, and The Apples in Stereo are for. We need more metal that's awesome to dance to, damn it! (Get on that, Maiden! Jeez!)

Like, who doesn't love vampires? Right, exactly. I'm not saying Vampire Weekend is bad, on the contrary, they're really freaking good, but my expectations for them were really, really high, like the planet Saturn high. And indie power pop just doesn't cut that.

I guess that's the last time I'm going to say a band is the greatest new band ever, just judging them by the name. Unless their name was like Bruce the Rock Star Vampire That Slays Zombies With Lazer Vision and Weilds Big-Asses Swords That Cut Across the Space-Time Continuum and Bakes a Mean Macaroni and Cheese. Now, that would be a hot name.


Mad Pierrot said...

Guess what? Allie has a Blogger for art stuffs! Anyways, vampire doesn't always equal awesomeness in a can. Like when I brought Moon Child because it was a vampire movie with j-rockers in it. You'd think it'd be great, and it wasn't horrible. It just... wasn't quite what I expected.
PS: The indie bands make up random names to confuse us all.

Unknown said...

Oh Man. I am sitting in Aural Concepts (shh don't tell Dave Hartl!!), and reading that last paragraph I wanted to crack up, but trying to identify a bassoon in a classical piece of music just isn't as funny as a zombie-slaying vampire rock star who wields a big-ass space-time continuum cutting sword and with one hand and whips up a mean mac & cheese with the other. Guess I'll have to come back later. And guess I would have tolerated Vampire Weekend after all. Sorry you were disappointed.

So. When are we baking mac & cheese??

Kris Fossett said...

You know, Allie, it's just when I see "vampire," I just think it's going to be the greatest thing ever. No matter how good the band/movie/whatever is, it just won't live up to my impossibly high expectations.

And Julia, we have to train to be zombie slayers first. Then, the mac n cheese will come.

Mad Pierrot said...

It's like when I thought Jesus Crhist Vampire Hunter would be so many kinds of awesome. I wondered where that bit of my life went and why I spent it watching the movie.