Monday, October 29, 2007

Sigh. The Iron Maiden mySpace group has posted the setlist for their 2008 tour.

Jeez, people! Honestly, what is the fun of knowing the set before you walk into the show? Isn't it much better thinking, "Oh no, they didn't play 'Fear of the Dark' or 'The Number of the Beast'?" And what if they decide to blow everyone away and play "Back in the Village" for once in their lives *cough, cough* *hint, hint, Iron Maiden*? Wouldn't you much rather go completely apeshit because from the surprise?

Man, people are no fun. Iron Maiden is no fun. They shouldn't be leaking their setlist.

Oh god! Did I just call Iron Maiden no fun? Oh no! I didn't mean that! Honestly, I didn't! Oh no! I take it back! I take it back!

Great, now Bruce Dickinson is going to challenge me to a duel and I'm going to die because I can't remember anything about fencing. Awesome. I guess, if I was going to die via foil poke, Bruce Dickinson is the guy to do it.

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