Tuesday, August 18, 2009


...there are not enough movies about people who lose their limbs and replace them with ridiculous weapons.

Will these movies fix the economy and finally create jobs for the recently graduated?

We can only hope.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

And Speaking of Mash Ups...

...here's one more, this time it's Iron Maiden mash-up.

It's interesting, to say the least. Is it good? Well, yes and no. As I said before, it's interesting. If you're a Maiden fan, you should be entertained to hear Maiden with Beyonce, Public Enemy, and Frankie Goes to Hollywood.

Though listen to "Maiden Goes to Bollywood" first. Personally, I think Wax Audio's track makes the whole album worth it.

A Few Words on Green Day

I love Green Day's American Idiot. Despite what other critics may say, I found a plot in the "punk rock opera" (even though I wouldn't call Green Day punk rock, but there is no way I'm getting into the whole "what is punk rock" debate. That causes too much hatred from too many idiots that I am not willing to deal with.) and I loved it.

Now it's 2009, and we have 21st Century Breakdown. This one, not so good. On the first listen, you realize it sounds like B-sides off American Idiot, and this time around, no plot. And "Know Your Enemy" is one the most annoyingly repetitive songs in the history of all pop music. In other words, a disappointment.

But this Green Day mash-up album, by Dean Gray is NOT a disappointment. In fact, it's quite delightful. And unlike 21st Century Breakdown, it's free, interesting, and not as pretentious.

As for me, I'm going to give Green Day another album before I dismiss them as awful. Until then, I'm going to enjoy this mash-up.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Addendum to the Recently Graduated

See? You're not the only one. Though, I don't think we need to take such desperate measures. At least, I don't.

Though the headline really says all you need, here's the story.